Thursday, October 30, 2008


Well.I'm gonna move to SMSAH by Saturday I guess.
Well3..Time is moving so fast..
Oh,yeah!I'm so sorry for not updating my blog for..quite a while la..
Well,I miss my frens there too right now..
We supposed to have a music week this week..
They must been practising the 'tarians' and other sort of stufs..
Well,my parentz came back yesterday..
Guess what?They bought a b'day present 4 me..It's a musical box..
They also bought me a very2 CUTE keychain..a Hokkaido one..
Hmm..After this,I will miss some episodes of Olivia and Soleha..
It's okay as I can watch it when I come back later at the youtube..
Oh,ya!What's frightening me is MY FINAL EXAM RESULTS is waiting 4 me at SMSAH..
Let's just hope 4 da best,ok?!
I think dat's all that I'm gonna write to you for today..
Coming back home InsyaAllah in another two weeks time..
Much from heart,
Akasha Izreen=)

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Umph..well hrini I think maybe a little bit boriglah!!Perhaps..
I GILEEEEEEEEEEEE miss tyme dlu..Dats it when i'm in the primary tymes..Mmg gleglegleglegle best..I mpaling arh miss when my std6 times..
Gle best doe..Mmg best..
Well,I also miss tyme kt SMKBJ..Mmg best gak..Kne lntik jd pngawas percubaan..haha:)
I reallyreally miss ALL!!! of my fren doe!!
Actually,skola kt SMKBJ is agak fantastic but I think let me be in the boarding school cz it's muchmuch safer,righty??
Juz mizz da old days..
Ble bley lwk with zaz,mariam,jannah n afia..
It's absolutely awesome..Mmg gle best wa ckp lu..
Tu x tmbh other people yg lg rock cm Sab ngan dayana..haha:)
Happy gle,weyh,tyme tu..
Hmph.Let's juz dis be da end 4 my first blog,ok??
Love u much.And InsyaAllah I'll write again so0n!!Bye:)

Much from heart,
Akasha Izreen